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How to Share Your Story

Writer's picture: Dr. Michael O'NeilDr. Michael O'Neil

We all love stories. We all have our favorite books, shows, and movies. Without question, the most powerful, impactful stories are from people who have been changed by Jesus. What’s your story? If you are a follower of Jesus, you have a story about what Jesus has done in your life. And God wants us to be good and faithful stewards of the stories He’s given us.

Does this world need real, eternal hope? Absolutely! When we share our stories about how Jesus changed our lives, we have the opportunity to bless our family members who need hope. We have the opportunity to bless our friends and neighbors who need hope. We have the opportunity to bless our city, our nation, and our world with the hope that comes only through Jesus. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that when we share our stories, we join God’s mission to increase the population of heaven. 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV) says:

In your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.

Total surrender to Jesus leads to sharing about Jesus. If you have surrendered your life to Jesus, you have hope in you that cannot be taken away by anyone or anything—ever. Because you know that nothing—absolutely nothing—can separate you from the love of Jesus. This hope is so good that you can’t keep it to yourself. You should always be ready to share it with the world that is watching and in need of hope. You should always be ready to share how Jesus has changed your life and given you real, eternal hope. You should always be ready to share your story and share the difference Jesus has made in your life.

Ben Armacost, one of our church’s mission partners in London, England has helped me and many others share our 15 second story. Here’s a basic outline:

Your 15 Second Story*

Think of two words or phrases that describe your life before you surrendered to Jesus. Think of two words or phrasesthat describe how Jesus changed your life. Here’s my personal example:

“There was a time in my life when I was (without peace) and (without purpose). Then I surrendered my life to Jesus and made Him number one in my life. Now I am (at peace with God) and (full of purpose).

Do you have a story like this?”

That last question is very important because it can open the door for more conversation about who Jesus is and why He is our only hope.

You have a story to share. Now go bless someone today by sharing your story, and let God use you to make an eternal difference wherever you live, work, and play!

*Adapted from Ben Armacost, “The 15 Second Testimony,”

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